Sunday, April 15, 2018

From the Mouth of an Eight-Year-Old: Cute Tummy

Me: Your tummy is so cute!
Fin: Why?! Does it have a face???

From the Mouth of an Eight-Year-Old: No Ligo Needed

Fin: Let's go to the library.
Me: In the afternoon na coz we have to ligo pa. You have to ligo. Yuan has to ligo. I have to ligo.
Fin: We can just put perfume!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

Sunday, April 8, 2018

From the Mouths of Eight-Year-Olds: Fashion Girl

Checking the tag on Fin's shorts:
Me: You're a Uniqlo girl.
Fin: I'm a Uniqlo, H&M, and Zara girl.

From the Mouths of Eight-Year-Olds: Chinky

Fin: Mommy is chinky-eyed, but I am not.
Me: Because your daddy is not chinky.
Fin: He's chunky.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

From the Mouths of Eight-Year-Olds: Heat

In the parking lot...
Me: It's so init (hot) here.
Fin: But it's not as init as El Nido. I melted there!

From the Mouths of Eight-Year-Olds: Taxi

Me: Do you want yaya Jen to apas?
Fin: No nalang. I will just play.
Me: Okay, but we have to go home by lunch because I have to go somewhere at 1pm.
Fin (gesturing like Conan): How about you grab a taxi?